Workshops & Classes
In the past I have taught regular workshops and classes in Orkney. Currently, I am offering fortnightly, Relaxation Half Hour sessions online. Workshops are offered, subject to my diary, and are advertised on my Facebook page or via my monthly email update. If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please get in touch. I am also happy to offer one-to-one workshops or for smaller groups or companies, if they are interested in promoting wellbeing and stress relief. Equally, many community and voluntary groups are now keen to learn more about relaxation and the effects of stress and I am happy to give talks, informal workshops or guided sessions to facilitate this.
Most workshops are held in my therapy room in Willowburn Road, although I am happy to travel to deliver these if appropriate. Workshops are normally on a Saturday afternoon or midweek evening, and cost £30 per person, which includes a folder with information on all we cover.
One-to-one workshops are also available at a cost of £60.
Online Classes
Although these sessions were initially started due to Covid restrictions, they have now become a regular part of the monthly diary so will continue for the foreseeable future. The online sessions are delivered via Zoom and are free of charge. Recordings are also available after the sessions should anyone be unable to attend but still want to benefit from a bit of breathing out and relaxation. Please get in touch if you would like added to the mailing list for the links.
Relaxation Half Hour
A fortnightly, half hour class focusing on simple, breathing techniques and guided meditations. No previous experience is needed and these sessions are open to everyone. Most folk have busy, stressful lives and these sessions allow the chance to simply breathe out and be... The more we focus on relaxing our minds and bodies, the better they work and the healthier and happier we feel.
Reiki Share
Monthly sessions which are open to all Reiki students and practitioners. Practising Reiki on a regular basis has a powerful effect on our health and wellbeing, as well as helping to ground and guide us on our path through life. When we work in a group situation, the effects and benefits are magnified. These sessions offer the chance to work with other Reiki healers, of all levels and experience, to boost our own energies but also to send healing to each other and the planet.
Each Share includes group healing and meditation, as well as a Reiju empowerment. These sessions are recorded so if you are unable to join in on the night, you can listen again when it suits.
Everyone has encountered Angels in some way, shape or form but few realise they are constantly around and just waiting to be asked for help. They represent healing and supportive frequencies on which we can all draw any time we feel the need. In this workshop, through guided visualisations, colour, crystals and sound techniques, we will learn how to access and work with these energies to help in all aspects of our lives.
Aromatherapy – Home Remedy Chest
Use of essential oils is not restricted to massage! This workshop aims to show you just how many uses they have in our daily lives, from health remedies to housework. Learn which oils are a vital part of any medicine cabinet, how to use them and when to avoid them; discover how to use them safely around the house and garden. As well as covering the many uses and applications of each of the chosen oils, there is also the opportunity in the workshop for practical work and relaxation. (As some of the oils covered are not recommended during pregnancy, this workshop is not advised when pregnant.)
Chakras & the Energy Body
This workshop explains how our energy body and chakra system work and how they affect every part of our lives. As well as practical exercises and meditation, we will learn about each of the seven main chakras and how they resonate with us on all levels - physically, mentally and emotionally. Through meditation, crystals, colours and essential oils we will also discover how to ensure they are as healthy and balanced as possible.
There are several crystal workshops available, ranging from one for those who are relatively inexperienced or need some support in how to make the most of their crystals, to others for those who have been working with crystals for some time and would like to explore new ways of working with them, as well as discovering and learning about more unusual stones. In all workshops, we cover the choosing and care of your crystals, as well as discovering how versatile they are for our own healing. Learn about the properties of our chosen crystals, how to use them for ourselves and others, and practise simple and effective healing techniques. The workshops also include a personal Crystal Oracle reading.
Energy Awareness Workshop
In our day-to-day lives we are faced with many situations which affect us on all levels of our Being. Exposure to electro-magnetic radiation from computers, mobile phones etc; road rage; geopathic stress; negative outbursts from other people; graphic and upsetting images from the media; stressful situations – all can have a profound effect on our mental, emotional and physical health. It is, however, possible to take action to help prevent this. In this workshop, we cover the many situations which can affect us and learn to use a number of simple techniques and tools which can be easily incorporated into our daily lives to minimise these effects.
Relaxation & Stress Relief Workshop
Stress is an undeniable part of everyone’s life nowadays and unfortunately, plays havoc with our health. We need to learn how to restore balance so that the effects are minimal instead of major. It may not be possible to remove the cause of stress, but we can greatly reduce the effect it has on our minds and bodies. This workshop offers practical advice on how to do just that – learn simple, effective techniques, practise them and feel the benefit!
Sound and Spirit Healing
Using a combination of sound and shamanic techniques, this workshop aims to restore balance, improve wellbeing and increase awareness of our inner voice and strengths. The session includes mantra, journeying meditations and working with the healing drum and percussion.
Vibrational Healing
Everything on the planet has a vibration! When we are unwell, feeling out of sorts or generally feel as though our lives are not flowing quite as well as they might, it is due to something affecting our vibrational frequency. This can be absolutely anything but may well include stress of some sort, environmental conditions, emotional trauma or unresolved issues. The good news is that we can do something to redress this and return our bodies to a state of health and wellbeing. In this workshop we use colour, sound, crystals, flower essences and other forms of vibrational healing to do just that.
Be Yourself
In this workshop the focus is on you! Using meditation, shamanic journeying and healing techniqes the aim is to learn more about who you are and what you want in life, what makes you happy and how you can achieve your goals. The session offers the opportunity to feel more centred, balanced and in focus so that you can forge your path with confidence and a light step.
Indian Head and Face Massage
The benefits of this therapy have been long accepted, with many people finding it invaluable to alleviate symptoms of stress, hormonal imbalances, headaches, sleep and mood issues, tension and pain. This workshop gives an overview of the therapy, its practice and benefits, as well as practical work on how to give both yourself, and friends and family, a taster of these benefits.
Hand Reflexology
Reflexology has been practised for thousands of years and can be employed on various parts of the body from hands and feet to ears. This workshop focuses on the hands and offers the chance to learn how the techniques can be used at home to help restore balance and support the body's own self-healing mechanisms.