A new year and the promise of positive change, opportunities and growth for us all... There are no definite plans for group workshops this year although this may change if time permits. I am happy to continue to offer workshops and training on a one-to-one basis though.
The free, online sessions will continue as before, with a Relaxation Half Hour every fortnight and a Reiki Share monthly. The Relaxation sessions are open to all - please contact me to be added to the mailing list for Zoom links, if you are interested in taking part or would like the recordings. The Shares are open to all Reiki students and practitioners and again, if you would like to be added to the list for either monthly updates or recordings, drop me an email.
The Sunday evening healings will also continue as before. Each Sunday night at 9pm, you are welcome to participate in a group healing when folk sit quietly and send love, healing, light or prayers to the world, family, friends or any situation that you feel is in need of love and compassion. When we focus on these things on our own, we help to lift the vibration but when we join with others at the same time with increased focus, we amplify the benefits and increase the light and love flowing... These sessions are not online but simply a focal point for anyone who might like to make a positive difference and know they are part of a much greater and concerted effort to lift and lighten on all levels